Outpatient Clinic
- Decreasing time to developmental pediatrics consultation
- Vaping counciling
- Guideline for AOM and PE tube referral
- Spanish questionnaire: TB and lead poisoning
- Nutritional counseling and nutritional supplements
- Car seat education and use
- Screening for post-partum depression*
- Sports physical screening
- Translation services
- STD education
- Instituting use of BMI calculator
- Smoking cessation
- Asthma: effective instruction for medication usage
- Injury prevention
- Postcard reminder system: flu shots and Synagis
- Consistent STD, HPV, and pap smear screening policies
- Standardized ADHD follow-up visits
- Counseling on sun protection
- Screening tool for sleep issues during the well-child visit
- Fire arm safety and gun lock distribution during the well-child visit
- Improving provider and parental education of cold and cough therapy in children and infants
- Screening tool for autism at the 18 month and 24 month well-child visit
- UF Outpatient Pediatric Clinic Informational On-hold Message
- Positive Developmental Screening: Where do we go from there?
- Improving the compliance rate of Developmental screening using ASQ at the 18 month well child visit by implementation of Electronic Medical Records at CMS
- TV/Internet Usage Evaluation during the well child check
- Modified Guidelines in the Outpatient management of Cardiomyopathy at the Congenital Heart Center Clinic
Newborn Nursery
- SIDS education
- Discharge education brochure: “Head to toe Newborn/Infant survival guide”
- “Babies don’t come with instructions: A parent’s guide to their newborn”
- Discharge instruction form (English and Spanish versions)
- Chorioamnionitis/Suspect Sepsis order set
- Newborn Nursery admission order revision and improving use of the hypoglycemia algorithm
- Newborn nursery follow-up physician list
- Newborn Nursery Physician Worksheet
- Preventing Smoking in Mothers of Newborns
- Hyperbilirubinemia Protocol for the Shands UF Newborn Nursery
- Standardized guidelines and forms (AGH ED): fever less than 90 days, fever in the immunocompromised patient, shortness of breath, general pediatric illness
- Improving documentation in the AGH ED through use of a Pediatric Shortness of Breath standardized form
- Standardized guidelines and forms (UF ED): appropriate antibiotic therapy of STI’s, sexual assault, asthma, 1st afebrile/unprovoked seizure
- Improvement in PAH handout
- Utilizing Poseidon to fax electronic ER charts to the PCPs’ offices
- PAH phone call computer entry system
- Increased HEADSS exam documentation in hem/onc patients
- Improving resident handoff
- Order sets: community acquired pneumonia, cellulitis, asthma, ALTE, croup, bronchiolitis, failure to thrive, bowel disimpaction/GI cleanout
- Respiratory flow sheet revision
- Decreasing medication errors related to incorrect weight entry
- Revision of code blue documentation sheet
- Creating and modeling safe sleep environments for hospitalized infants and children
- Pancreatic Insufficiency in CF Population- Treatment and Care
- Admission Order Set for Patients with Fever and Neutropenia
- Physician Trading Card Project
- Pediatric Blood Draw Optimization with Causal/Cost Analysis
- Children’s Hospital Video Orientation
- Management algorithms for use by outside facilities for common newborn diagnoses transported to Shands
- NICU quick reference guide
- NICU-specific discharge instruction sheet
- Sedation and analgesia protocol in mechanically ventilated patients in the PICU
- New standardized progress note for the PICU
- Intern survival guide
- Reducing Unnecessary Paging During Residents’ Protected Time